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Furthermore, we found a negative correlation between the outburst rate and the orbital period in the samples for which the luminosity class of the donor star is III/IV. The critical orbital period ( hr) is consistent with the above orbital period boundary obtained from the statistics of outburst rates. Based on the evolutionary tracks of single stars, we derived the critical orbital period for X-ray binaries that harbor a subgiant donor in various metallicities. The difference in outburst rate between long-period and short-period LMXBTs is probably due to the different mass transfer mechanism at different evolutionary stages of the donors. We infer that mass transfer rate is responsible for the systematic difference, since the disk instability model suggested that the mass transfer rate is a key factor affecting the quiescence time.

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There are systematic differences in the outburst rate between long-period ( hr) and short-period ( hr) systems.

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We found that almost all LMXBTs with the orbital period below ∼12 hr showed only one outburst in these observations. The outburst rates were estimated based on the X-ray monitoring data from Swift/BAT, RXTE/ASM, and MAXI and previous reports in the literature. We have investigated the outburst properties of low-mass X-ray binary transients (LMXBTs) based on a comprehensive study of the outbursts observed in the past few decades. We discuss possible explanations for this result. Comparing this to observations, we find a different behaviour. We used theoretical arguments and observed trends, for instance between the outburst and quiescent X-ray luminosity and orbital period P_(orb) to derive an expected trend between ΔK_s and P_(orb) of ΔK_s ∝ log P^(0.565)_(orb)⁠. Of these 12 detections in quiescence, 7 detections represent the first quiescent reported values (for MAXI J1543−564, XTE J1726−476, IGR J17451−3022, XTE J1818−245, MAXI J1828−249, MAXI J1836−194, Swift J1910.2−0546), and 2 detections show fainter counterparts to XTE J1752−223 and XTE J2012+381 than previously reported. We provide (limits on) the absolute magnitudes and finding charts of all sources.

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The magnitudes of the detected counterparts range between K_s = 17.59 and K_s = 22.29 mag. We detect the quiescent counterpart for 12 out of 15 sources, and for the remaining 3, we report limiting magnitudes. In addition to quiescent observations for all sources, we also observed two of these sources (IGR J17451−3022 and XTE J1818−245) in outburst. We present near-infrared and optical imaging of 15 candidate black hole X-ray binaries.

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